Neutron capture yields of dysprosium isotopes (161-Dy, 162-Dy, 163-Dy, and 164-Dy) were measured using the time-of-flight method with a 16-segment sodium iodide multiplicity detector. The measurements
Accelerator based Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) system is considered to be more compact, safe, and useful than the nuclear power plant based BNCT. A new accelerator based BNCT project is starte
◦EGUN 코드를 활용, beam optics를 고려하여 전자총의 전국 구조 (cathode, anode, focusing electrode) 설계◦전자총 제작 및 조립을 위해 기하공차롤 고려한 Cathode
A C-band standing-wave accelerating structure was developed for a radiotherapy X-ray or an electron source, which is capable of producing 6 MeV/ average 1.6 kW or 7.5 MeV/ average 2 kW electron beams
본 연구실에서 개발에 참여한 ECEI 장치는 플라즈마의 폴로이달 (poloidal) 단면 전자 온도 변화를 2차원 영상으로 진단하는 최첨단 장치이다. 2010년에 dual
MIR(Microwave Imaging Reflectometry) 장치는 플라즈마의 컷오프 층(cut-off layer)에 마이크로파를 입사시킨 뒤, 반사되어 나오는 빔의 위상차를 이용하여 컷오프층
자기 재결합 과정에서 발생하는 플라즈마 파동을 실험적으로 관측하고 연구하기 위해 광대역, 고해상도 RF 측정 시스템을 개발하였다. 이를 통해 whistle
자기 유체 역학 (Magnetohydrodynamics, MHD)는 플라즈마와 같은 전기 전도성 유체의 자기적 특성에 대해 연구하는 학문이다. 아래는 KSTAR ECEI 장치로 관측한 MHD
본 연구실은 공진의 특성을 이용하는 Coaxial Transmission Line Resonator (CTLR)을 보유하고 있으며 이로부터 생성되는 플라즈마 제트를 사용해 표면처리, 살균,
금속산화물 표면처리는 대기압 플라즈마 응용분야 중 하나이다. 본 연구실은 고주파수 플라즈마를 이용해 금속산화물의 산화 환원 반응실험을 한 후 X
기존에 사용됐던 싱글 주파수를 이용한 S11 측정을 본 연구실이 이중 주파수 방법 (Two frequency method)을 사용해 플라즈마의 불확실했던 임피던스 값을 구
플라즈마에서 직접적으로 나오는 방출선 외에도 레이저를 플라즈마에 조사하여 Thomson, Raman, Rayleigh 산란 신호를 분석하는 진단 시스템을 구축하고 있
대부분의 플라즈마 실험이나 응용에서는 진공과 대기압 사이의 압력에서 발생한 플라즈마를 관측하거나 처리한다. 본 연구실은 대기압 보다 높은 압
As one of a key phenomenon in thermal hydraulics system, nucleate boiling has been widely studied by numerous researchers to improve efficiency and safety of the system (i.e, nuclear power plant, r
The flow boiling, which has heat transfer with flow, is the one of the phase change phenomena but not well understood due to the complexity. In many industries including power plants, flow boiling
We used the basic two experimental methods to understand the Film Boiling Heat Transfer; quenching and leidenfrost experiment. The major points able to ac
Condensation phenomenon occurs when vapor is subcooled below the saturation temperature at given pressure. And condensation is a phase change phenomenon which is very efficient heat transfer using
Research reactors are nuclear reactors which were developed for neutron based research industry rather than for power generation. Water in the reactor pool acts as the moderator, reflector, and shi
In-Vessel Retention by External Reactor Vessel Cooling (IVR-ERVC) is one of the severe accident management strategies to terminate or mitigate the severe accident (SA) which is also called ‘c
In severe accident, the ex-vessel corium coolability is one of risk-significant issues and there are still significant uncertainties in the coolability in terms of the debris bed characteristics
Steam explosion is one of the risk significant phenomena at the severe accident. It often occurs if hot liquid material comes into contact with cold coolant and the coolant boils at a local a
Cooling of ex-vessel corium mixture is one of the most important issues of the severe accident for preventing the accident progress and mitigating the accident result. To avoid MCCI and secure the
In the late phase of severe accident in nuclear power plants, it is important to assure the coolability of the relocated corium in the reactor cavity. Under this circumstance, concrete ab
In case of severe accident when core melt is ejected from vessel, external core catcher has been considered in APR1400 reactor. Two-phasenatural circulation basedcore catcher cooling system r
The final goal of MCCI prevent interaction of corium and concrete. In addition to this, we have to eliminate decay heat and secure corium coolability. But it hardly prevents MCCI phenomena. Nuclear
The sodium–water reaction (SWR) is a serious impediment to development of sodium fast cooled nuclear reactor (SFR), especially at sodium water heat exchanger
The big issue of S-CO2 Brayton cycle is to develop compact heat exchanger which is comparable to the size of turbines and compressors. One of the candidates of this compact heat exchanger is pr
The PEMFC (polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell) is a kinds of electro – chemical system to exchange chemical potential energy of gases, especially hydrogen and oxygen, to electrical energy.
Glass-ceramic wasteforms containing calcium neodymium(cerium) oxide silicate [Ca2Nd8 - xCex(SiO4)6O2] were synthesized to immobilize lanthanide oxide wastes generated from pyro-processing.
Silver tellurite glasses with melting temperatures < 700 °C were prepared to immobilize the 129I that normally volatilizes during high-temperature melting. Glasses have densities of 6.31 ± 0.1
A new alkali-alumino tellurite glass composition was developed to immobilize highly-volatile technetium (Tc) wastes generated from the pyrochemical processing technology. Tellurite glass can
Cs+ captured fly ash filter waste from pyro-processing was immobilized by alumino-borosilicate glass waste form. Produced glass specimens were irradiated by electrons in order to simulate t
Radioactive iodine is one of the major constituents among fission products released into the environment from damaged containment at nuclear power plant (NPP) during severe
Efficient and rapid removal of radioactive contaminants is crucial when they are released into the environment as a result of severe nuclear accidents. In addition, various methods have been developed
Most of nuclear power plants (NPP) and their yard storage facilities are located on or close to the shoreline, because the nuclear power plants need for cooling water. As a fission product (90Sr
The radioactive waste includes radioisotope such as 129I and 131I whose half-lives are t1/2 = 1.57x107 years and t1/2 = 8.02 days, respectively. These iodine has harmful effects to humans through exte
Convergence of Nuclear engineering and Humanities & Social Science
Designing reactor cores by means of an artificial neural network is a difficult challenge, because there are many variables in the core configuration. This study presents a feasibility study on the
For automatic detection and suppression of fire, AI drone system is under development. Flaming regions in images obtained by cameras are localized by the embedded system with the segmentation techni
Dicentric Chromosome Assay (DCA) has been used for estimating the absorbed radiation dose following occupational or incidental radiation exposure. The estimating procedure of DCA is labor intensive
Generally, radioactive disposal facilities has low accessibility because of the problem related to the radiation exposure and complexity of the facility. One of the solution for inspecting the facil
This robot system is a cooperative robot system for dome inspection in nuclear power plants (NPP). It has the ability to perform a grid laser–based ceiling mapping and localization. Non-destruct
Underwater is one of the hazardous environments, and GPS and RF do not work. ‘Cyclops’ is an underwater robot of the hovering type, which enables precise 3-D position control in the water by using
Robots in hazardous robots use optical or acoustic sensors to sense the surrounding environment. In hazardous environment, there is no light source such as the sun and light is severely attenuated and
In extreme environments with limited visibility, optical sensors have limited performance. The acoustic sensors can be one of the alternatives to the optical sensors in a low-visibility environment. H