
Academic Affairs

Academic Affairs

Courses Curriculum(Applies to students enrolled since the spring semester of 2021)
Category Course Title Remarks
Common Required Courses Nuclear Engineering
Nuclear Reactor Physics
Nuclear Power and Social Problems
Common Elective Courses Radiation Detection At least 3 credits
Nuclear Reactor Experiment
Introduction of Advanced Nuclear Convergence for Future Society
Required Courses Nuclear Thermal-Hydraulics Nuclear Safety
Plasma and Beam Physics Plasma and Accelerator
Radioactive Waste Management, Introduction to Nuclear Materials Engineering Nuclear Environment & Materials
Intro. to AI and Robotics for Extreme Environment,Field Robotics AI and Robot System
Elective Courses Nuclear Power Plant Engineering, Two Phase Flow, Heat Transfer Physics, Nuclear Safety and Regulation, Intro. Nuclear Safety & Related Laws Nuclear Safety
Nuclear Fusion Plasmas, Principles & Tech. on the Accelerators, Intro. to Sync.radiation&its sci. opp., Rad. Shielding&Monte Carlo Simulation, Numerical Simul. for Plasma Sci. & Eng., Plasma Physics I/II Plasma and Accelerator
Chemical Treatment of Waste and Disposal, Adv. of Radioactive Waste Mgnt., Radioactive Contami. in the Env., Noncrystalline Ceramics, Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Nuclear Environment & Materials
Basic Practice for Nuclear Eng-AI, Machine Learning for Nuc. Engineering, AI based Robotics and Perception for Hazardous and Extreme Environment’s Tasks, Tutor General-Purpose Engineer Tool AI and Robot System
Social Convergence Courses Capstone Design Project for Social Problems, Social Problem&Hazardous Robotics, Science & Technology Policy, Adv. Artificial Intelligence for M.E., Artificial intelligence and Ethics, Statistical Research Method At least 3 credits
Research Courses Seminar NUCE800
Master Thesis Research NUCE69901-09
Doctoral Dissertation Research NUCE89901-09
Required Courses
Students enrolled prior to 2014
  • Students are required to take two required subjects: Fundamentals of Nuclear Engineering (NUCE501) and Nuclear Reactor Physics (NUCE601)
Students enrolled from 2014
  • Students are required to take three required subjects out of the three subjects: Fundamentals of Nuclear Engineering (NUCE501), Nuclear Reactor Physics (NUCE601) and Radioactive Waste Management (NUCE602)
  • Students who continuing their studies for the Ph.D course after receiving master’s degree from POSTECH’s DANE are exempted from taking duplicate courses if they have completed all required major courses during the master’s course.
The students who have been enrolled since the spring semester of 2017
  • Students are required to take 2 of the 3 required Courses.
  • Students are required to take Nuclear Engineering (NUCE501) and Nuclear Reactor Physics (NUCE502).
  • For students with a bachelor’s degree in Nuclear Engineering, the requirement to take Nuclear Engineering (NUCE501) and Nuclear Reactor Physics (NUCE502) shall be waived if the students pass the Q.E. for NUCE501 and NUCE502.
  • For students continuing their studies for a doctoral degree after receiving a master’s degree from POSTECH’s DANE, major required courses shall be waived if they were all taken during the master’s program.
Students enrolled from 2021
  • Students are required to take 3 Common required Courses(Nuclear Engineering, Nuclear Reactor Physics, Nuclear Power and Social Problems).
  • Students are required to take 1 of the 6 required Courses(Nuclear Thermal-Hydraulics, Plasma and Beam Physics, Radioactive Waste Management, Intro. to AI and Robotics for Extreme Environment, Introduction to Nuclear Materials Engineering, Field Robotics).
  • Student who continuing their studies for the Ph.D course after receiving M.S degree from POSTEH’s DANE are exempted without taking duplicate courses if they have completed common subjects(required, elective), compulsory major, and social convergence subjects.
Elective Courses
Students enrolled prior to 2021
  • Students must complete minimum two NUCE elective courses for the completion of the all degree.
Students enrolled from 2021
  • Students are required to take more than 3 credits of the Common Elective Courses of the all degree.
  • Students are required to take more than 3 credits of the Social Convergence Courses of the all degree.
Graduate Student Seminar
  • Master Program students should take two or more semesters of the DANE seminar courses.
  • M.S.-Ph.D. Integrated Program students should take five or more semesters of the DANE seminar courses are required.
  • Ph.D. Program students should take three or more semesters of the DANE seminar courses are required.
Free Elective Courses for Graduate Students, GEDU501(Scientific Writing)/502(Research paper Presentation Skill)
  • It is excluded from graduation credits.
Credit Requirements
Students enrolled prior to 2014
  Course Credits Research Credits Total Credits
Master Program 15 13 28
Ph.D Program 12 20 32
M.S.-Ph.D. Integrated Program 24 36 60
Students enrolled from 2014
  Course Credits Research Credits Total Credits
Master Program 18 10 28
Ph.D Program 15 17 32
M.S.-Ph.D. Integrated Program 30 30 60
Students enrolled from 2021
Course Credits Research Credits Total Credits
Master Program 18 10 28
Ph.D Program 21 11 32
M.S.-Ph.D. Integrated Program 36 24 60
Acceptance of credits from other department
  • Up to six credits for students taken among the 400 level courses are approved as course credits. Master Program: Up to six credits are accepted.
  • Ph.D. and M.S.-Ph.D. Integrated Program: Up to 12 credits are accepted.
Thesis Requirements and procedure
  • Ph.D. and M.S.-Ph.D. Integrated Program students should submit a dissertation proposal within four semesters. Students can extend one semester to submit the dissertation proposal by receiving his/her advisor’s approval.
Qualifying Examination, QE
  • Qualifying Examination held twice a year. QE must be held on the last week of December or the first week of January and the last week of June or the first week of July to approve it by the university graduate committee.
  • Ph.D. and M.S.-Ph.D. Integrated Program students should pass qualifying Examination within four semesters after entrance.
  • Master Program who passes QE within four semesters after the entrance can apply for M.S.-Ph.D. Integrated Program.
  • Students obtained 60 points or above out of 100 points for each subject in the exam are considered to be passed.
  • For those who earned grade A- or higher in required and elective subjects are exempt from QE.

Exam subjects
In principle, the Q.E. will be a written examination.
Students must pass the Q.E. for 3 Common required Courses(NUCE501, NUCE502, NUCE503) and must pass the Q.E. for 1 out of 6 required Courses (NUCE718R, NUCE523, NUCE530, NUCE719E, NUCE719I, NUCE719H), 4 courses in total.

Paper Publication in an International Academic Journal
  • Ph.D. and M.S.-Ph.D. Integrated Program students should publish minimum one article out of dissertation as the first author to International Journal recognized by the division.
Thesis Defense
  • Master Program students are required to organize the thesis defense committee that consists of minimum three persons including his/her advisor.
  • Ph.D. and M.S.-Ph.D. Integrated Program students are required to have a review committee of minimum five persons including an advising professor (minimum one person should be outside the department and the present university professors should be more than half.)