About DANE

Message From The Head

Message From The Head

Welcome to the Division of Advanced Nuclear Engineering (DANE) at POSTECH. Our division was established to develop nuclear engineering technology, ultimately to address societal issues of nuclear energy and nurture creative individuals with global perspectives.

DANE began as a graduate course in 2010 with the goal of one day becoming a leading research and educational institution in nuclear engineering based on interdisciplinary researches. Despite our relatively short history, we have scored substantial accomplishments and contributed to nuclear energy and big science research for the future, in the process cultivating global interdisciplinary talents in the field of nuclear energy.

Securing energy sources is crucial to society’s prosperity and sustainable growth in the future, and nuclear energy offers one of the most important opportunities in that regard. Even though it is hailed as an environment-friendly energy source, the development of technology for nuclear fusion, radioactive waste management, and nuclear reactor safety—not to mention the development of more advanced nuclear reactors—is a major global challenge. Our division is committed to developing promising technology that can be readily commercialized to tackle the challenges faced by the nuclear energy industry and broader social concerns. DANE is pursuing interdisciplinary education and research by drawing on insights from both the humanities and social sciences to address the challenges of nuclear energy our society faces.

We would like to invite you to join us in realizing DANE’s vision to lead the development of technology for nuclear energy engineering and develop into a global hub of next-generation nuclear energy innovations and big science.

Head Professor Wooyong Um

Division of Advanced Nuclear Engineering at POSTECH