


  • Nuclear Safety and Advanced Nulear System for Future Appliacations
  • Plasma and Accelerator Science
  • Nuclear Environment and Material
  • Ai and Robotics Application
  • Convergence of Nuclear Engineering and Humanities and Social Science
Nuclear Safety and Advanced Nulear System for Future Appliacations

This group offers research on development of innovative technologies for efficient and safe operation and accident management for nuclear power plants as well as to produce alternative energy source (hydrogen) with advanced nuclear power plants.

The group involves experimental and analytical studies in the areas of thermal-hydraulics to investigate multiphase flow and heat transfer phenomena from the first principle of physics to engineering applications with outstanding DANE research intra-structures together with home and abroad experts in nuclear power safety and heat transfer.

  1. Improvement of nuclear power plant safety and power efficiency

  2. Fundamental study of thermal hydraulics and nuclear severe accident research

  3. Development of nuclear new technology and nuclear energy application(hydrogen production)