

: 48
게시물 검색
  • 48
    • 지속 가능 원전 생태계 구현을 위한 지역 협력 방안 연…   
      지역별 원전 관련 민원의 수와 인구대비 비율 - 다양한 데이터를 바탕으로 한 분석 결과와 외국 사례에 대한 비교분석접근법을 활용하여, 원전의 필요성에 대한 지역주민 간 공감대 확산과 원전 수용성 증진을 위한 실질적이고 구체적인 지역 협력과 민·관 협력 방안 고찰 
  • 47
    • 원전 수용성 진단 툴(tool)의 개발과 측정   
      원전 관련 민원의 수 추세 주. Y축은 원전 관련 민원의 수를 나타낸다.- 원전 수용성 진단을 위해 주민들의 위험인식(Risk Perception)과 안전인식(Safety Perception) 그리고 지각된 유익성(Perceived Benefits)을 측정할 수 있는 다각적 설문문항 구성- 차원 축소 기법(Dimensionality Reduction Technique)을 활용하여 원전 수용성 진단 툴(tool) 개발- 진단 툴(tool)에 기반한 주민 설문조사를 실시하여 지역별·연령별·성별 원전 수용성 파악 및 비교 분석
  • 46
    • 데이터를 활용한 지역주민 원전 수용성 인식 파악   
      LDA를 통한 원전 관련 민원 분류 - 원전 관련 지역에 대한 방문 및 참여 관찰을 통해 데이터에 나타난 실제 문제 상황을 파악.- 원전 관련 전반적 인식 파악을 위해 지역주민 대상 설문조사와 FGI 실시- 조사 내용의 분석을 통해 현안의 파악은 물론, 정책 수요의 발굴과 함께 문제 해결을 위한 장단기적 방안에 대해 모색.
  • 45
    • 원전 관련 사회 이슈 심화 분석   
      원전 관련 일간 뉴스 기사 수 추세  주. Y축은 기사의 수, X축은 일자를 나타낸다.- 언론기사, 온라인 공론장과 소셜 네트워크 서비스(Social Network Service, SNS)상의 소셜데이터, 각종 통계자료 등을 활용한 원전 관련 이슈 심층 분석- 국민권익위원회의 국민민원데이터를 이용하여 원전에 대한 지역별·시기별 수용성 증진 방안 모색- 설문조사 데이터를 바탕으로 원전 수용성 저항요인에 대한 심층적 통계분석 진행 및 저항요인 파악
  • 44
    • 3-D Mapping and Localization w…   
      In extreme environments with limited visibility, optical sensors have limited performance. The acoustic sensors can be one of the alternatives to the optical sensors in a low-visibility environment. However, the acoustic sensors have poor SNR characteristics, low-resolution problems, and loss of height information. Therefore, a proper signal processing technique is required. This research is a 3-D seafloor scanning method using multibeam sonar. It provides a unique analysis of sonar image geometry for extracting missing…
  • 43
    • Robust Perception Using Artifi…   
      Robots in hazardous robots use optical or acoustic sensors to sense the surrounding environment. In hazardous environment, there is no light source such as the sun and light is severely attenuated and scattered by fog, dust, and water. Therefore, optical sensors have limited views. On the other hand, acoustic sensors are independent of visibility but have a limitation of low resolution and noise-to-signal ratio. To recognize the surrounding environment robustly and perform precise mission in harsh condition, various arti…
  • 42
    • Autonomous Underwater Vehicle …   
      Underwater is one of the hazardous environments, and GPS and RF do not work. ‘Cyclops’ is an underwater robot of the hovering type, which enables precise 3-D position control in the water by using multiple propellers. I t is equipped with various measurement sensors and navigation sensors such as high-resolution still camera, lighting system, acoustic camera, laser, and chemical sensor, so it can respond to various missions. It can be used for underwater precision tasks such as underwater environment and ecological inves…
  • 41
    • Nuclear Power Plant’s Dome Ins…   
      This robot system is a cooperative robot system for dome inspection in nuclear power plants (NPP). It has the ability to perform a grid laser–based ceiling mapping and localization. Non-destructive inspection is available by a wall-climbing agent robot, which is attached to the surface of the dome utilizing an aerodynamic force. Lifting drone equipped with the grabber mechanism lifts up the wall-climbing agent to the ceiling.
  • 40
    • Autonomous Mobile Drone   
      Generally, radioactive disposal facilities has low accessibility because of the problem related to the radiation exposure and complexity of the facility. One of the solution for inspecting the facility is a use of drone; however, automatic drone controlling without GPS as well as considering the various obstacles is a difficult challenge. Our team is trying to develop an autonomous control system of the drone with SLAM, ROS and deep learning technique.
  • 39
    • Chromosome Detection System Us…   
      Dicentric Chromosome Assay (DCA) has been used for estimating the absorbed radiation dose following occupational or incidental radiation exposure. The estimating procedure of DCA is labor intensive and time consuming, and therefore, it cannot be widely utilized for radiation mass casualty incidents. Automatic estimation systems of DCA has been studied to improve the efficiency of the estimation procedure in previous studies. These methods, however, cause significant problems on the accuracy of the chromosome detection. …
  • 38
    • AI Drone System for Fire Detec…   
      For automatic detection and suppression of fire, AI drone system is under development. Flaming regions in images obtained by cameras are localized by the embedded system with the segmentation technique. After analyzing fire area, the guided flight system of drone is activated to the area, and fire extinguisher is automatically dropped.
  • 37
    • Automatic Design Algorithm of …   
      Designing reactor cores by means of an artificial neural network is a difficult challenge, because there are many variables in the core configuration. This study presents a feasibility study on the automatic design of a research reactor core using an artificial neural network. By imitating conventional design procedure, a way to design the core is developed by means of the artificial neural network and automatic machine learning. The results reveal that the reactor core designed by the proposed method performs well and…
  • 36
    • The radioactive waste includes…   
      The radioactive waste includes radioisotope such as 129I and 131I whose half-lives are t1/2 = 1.57x107 years and t1/2 = 8.02 days, respectively. These iodine has harmful effects to humans through external and internal exposure which can bring burns to the skin and affect the thyroid gland. Therefore iodine needs to be removed safely.   "Objectives are capturing iodine species such as iodide, iodate, elemental iodine, and methyl iodide. For this study, we use various adsorbents like zeolite, activated carbon, a…
  • 35
    • Most of nuclear power plants (…   
      Most of nuclear power plants (NPP) and their yard storage facilities are located on or close to the shoreline, because the nuclear power plants need for cooling water.  As a fission product (90Sr, 137Cs, or 99Tc), radionuclides are often stored in a large water-filled tank of NPP facility at or near ground surface level.  In a case of severe accident, the radionuclides may leave the storage sites and transport in the subsurface environment in which nearby seawater can introduce through shattered fractures and cause…
  • 34
    • Efficient and rapid removal of…   
      Efficient and rapid removal of radioactive contaminants is crucial when they are released into the environment as a result of severe nuclear accidents. In addition, various methods have been developed for harvesting uranium (U) from seawater.   Objectives are to develop sorbent for the removal of uranium using tributyl phosphate (TBP) on the surface of Hydroxyapatite (HA). TBP is an organophosphorus extractant, and it is among the most favored extractants in the nuclear industry, which is due in part to the hi…