

DANE’s Regular Seminar

페이지 정보

2022.02.21 / 2,264


 Date: 2022.02.24(THU)

 Time: 4:30pm ~ 5:30pm

 Speaker: Dr. Jewhan LEE(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)

 Title: Introduction to SFR System


The Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor is one of the next generation reactors and it is promising to reduce the high level wastes from spent nuclear fuel. At the same time, it can produce electricity with high efficiency while controlling the reactor safely. The safety and reliability is enhanced to assure public health and it will suggest a new paradigm in nuclear power energy. The SFR R&D is on-going world-wide, especially US, France, Russia, Japan, China, and India. Korea was also one of the active SFR developers and will be able to demonstrate the first prototype reactor, named as the Prototype Gen IV Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (PGSFR). The goal to complete the construction was by 2028. However national situation and political issues are changing rapidly and it has been decided to be delayed until some period. For now, SFR will still be one of the options for future energy plan and it will stay as an attractive technology.