March 4th (Fri) DANE's Open Symposium
페이지 정보
2011.02.07 / 4,450관련링크
일시 : 2011 년 3 월 4 일 (금) 13 시 30분
Date : 2011. March. 4th (Fri) 13: 30 PM
장소 : POSCO 국제관 국제회의장 (POSTECH 내)
Venue : POSCO International Conference Bldg (In POSTECH)
주최 : 첨단원자력공학부
Host : Division of Advanced Nuclear Engineering
원자력 관련 최첨단 연구 및 교육을 선도할 융합과정 대학원 프로그램인 첨단원자력공학부가 POSTECH에 설립되었습니다. 이에 국내외 원자력 관련분야 전문가 및 학자들을 초빙하여 오는 3월 4일 (금)에 Open Symposium 을 개최합니다.
Welcome to the DANE’s Open Symposium 2011
We would like to cordially invite you to the Division of Advanced Nuclear Engineering (DANE)’s
Open Symposium at the Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH).
As competitions for energy resources have depend due to the resource depletion, and the
environmental-friendly resources are paid great attention as a solution to the global warming, many countries today stress the importance of preserving nuclear energy. Nuclear energy has begun to emerge as a crucial source of the national wealth, and therefore it becomes an urgency to develop human capitals and quality education in the field of nuclear engineering.
In order to meet the rising demands on nuclear energy, the Division of Advanced Nuclear Engineering (DANE) at POSTECH guarantees to grow as the world’s leading academic and research Institution. Accordingly, we would like to hold an open symposium on March 4th (Friday), and invite both nationally and internationally renowned experts and scholars of nuclear engineering.
It will be such a great honor to have you at the start of the DANE. We strongly believe that your excellent opinions will guide not just the DANE, but also the future of nuclear energy to a successful path.
We look forward to seeing you at POSTECH.
Date : 2011. March. 4th (Fri) 13: 30 PM
장소 : POSCO 국제관 국제회의장 (POSTECH 내)
Venue : POSCO International Conference Bldg (In POSTECH)
주최 : 첨단원자력공학부
Host : Division of Advanced Nuclear Engineering
원자력 관련 최첨단 연구 및 교육을 선도할 융합과정 대학원 프로그램인 첨단원자력공학부가 POSTECH에 설립되었습니다. 이에 국내외 원자력 관련분야 전문가 및 학자들을 초빙하여 오는 3월 4일 (금)에 Open Symposium 을 개최합니다.
Welcome to the DANE’s Open Symposium 2011
We would like to cordially invite you to the Division of Advanced Nuclear Engineering (DANE)’s
Open Symposium at the Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH).
As competitions for energy resources have depend due to the resource depletion, and the
environmental-friendly resources are paid great attention as a solution to the global warming, many countries today stress the importance of preserving nuclear energy. Nuclear energy has begun to emerge as a crucial source of the national wealth, and therefore it becomes an urgency to develop human capitals and quality education in the field of nuclear engineering.
In order to meet the rising demands on nuclear energy, the Division of Advanced Nuclear Engineering (DANE) at POSTECH guarantees to grow as the world’s leading academic and research Institution. Accordingly, we would like to hold an open symposium on March 4th (Friday), and invite both nationally and internationally renowned experts and scholars of nuclear engineering.
It will be such a great honor to have you at the start of the DANE. We strongly believe that your excellent opinions will guide not just the DANE, but also the future of nuclear energy to a successful path.
We look forward to seeing you at POSTECH.