

KHNP's New Simulator Will Reanimate Real-Time Severe Accidents

페이지 정보

2012.11.23 / 5,856


KHNP's New Simulator Will Reanimate Real-Time Severe Accidents

"Korea Nuclear & Hydro Power has recently come up with an innovative technological breakthrough in improving power plant operators' responsive capabilities against 'severe accidents' likely to occur at nuclear power plants.

The most outstanding feat of the RSAM5 is that it can simulate many types of severe accidents to the level most close to reality, including damaged nuclear core, molten corium displacement, damaged reactor vessel/reactor containment, and calculation of radiation exposure amount caused by such accidents. This has never been feasible with the existing simulators.

Regarding RSAM5's job description, it will not be restricted to providing a training session for operators but will range over a variety of tasks, including license examination, and comprehensive inspection over human factor engineering(HFE), inspection over different operation procedure manuals, and evaluation over severe accidents management guidance(SAMG) which will be managed by the new MCR to be set up along with the MCR facility development construction."

Full article available at:
KHNP, September 26, 2012

한국수력원자력 (주), 실시간 모의기능 시뮬레이터 개발

"한국수력원자력 (주)이 원전 중대사고에 대한 운전원들의 대응능력을 획기적으로 제고시킬 수 있는 발판을 마련했다. 일본에서 발생한 후쿠시마 원전 사고 이후 원전 중대사고에 대한 신속하고 정확한 대처 능력이 요구되고 있는데, 한수원 중앙연구원은 핵연료 손상 등 중대사고의 다양한 현상을 실시간으로 모의할 수 있는 '실시간 중대사고 모델 (RSAM5)' 개발에 성공하고, 세계 최초로 이를 고리1호기 시뮬레이터에 실제 적용했다고 밝혔다."

뉴토피아 11,12월호