뉴토피아 (2012년 3월, 4월) Korea Nuclear Society Newsletter (Mar. & Apr.)
페이지 정보
2012.06.14 / 2,816첨부파일
*Full script available only in Korean
"2012년 3월, 원자력을 어떻게 볼 것인가?"
(How do we view nuclear energy geration in today's generation?)
"지식 경제부, 터키 한국형 원전 도입 전향적 검토"
(Korean Ministry of Knowledge Economy: Korean nuclear energy generation system to be exported to Turkey)
"원전분야 5,036명 신규 채용 예상"
(5,036 new job positions in nuclear energy generation industry)
"원자력 (연), 제 4세대 원자로 시험시설 준공"
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute: recently built 4th generation reactor to be tested)
"한수원, 16개 항목 원전고장 재발방지대책 수립"
(Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Co.: established 16 countermeasures for nuclear power plant breakdown)
"미국, 30년 만에 첫 원전 건설 승인"
(US: first permission to build a nuclear power plant within past 30 years)
"독일, 한파에 전력난 심해지자 원자로 5기 재가동"
(Gemany: reactivated reactor no.5 due to blizzard)
"IAEA, 베트남 등 5개국 2012년 원전 건설 착수"
(IAEA: 5 nations, including Vietnam, launched on nuclear power plant construction)
"일본, 탈원전에서 후퇴하는 일본 민주당"
(Japan: Japanese Democratic Party retreating from opposing against nuclear power generation)
"남아공, 원전 건설 사업비 400억달러"
(Republic of South Africa: 40 billion dollars to invest on nuclear power plant)
"한국원자력연구원, 수출용 신형연구로 협약체결"
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute: Agreement on advanced research reactor for export)
"한국전력공사, 발전사업자 자격인증서 취득"
(Korea Electric Power Corporation: Certification of United Arab Emirates Braka Nuclear Power Plant (BNPP) no.1 and no.2 development)
"동남권워자력의학원, 영화 촬영장소로 각광"
"KEPCO E&C, 신입사원 입사식 및 인재육성 프로그램"
(Korea Electric Power Corporation Engineering & Construction: Program to cultivate talented personnel)
"한국방사성폐기물관리공단, 방폐장 건설공기 연장"
(Korea Radioactive-waste Management Co.: Completion date for radioactive waste disposal facility construction postponed for better security and safety)
"한전 KPS 주식회사, 사회적책임 우수기업 선정"
(Korea Electric Power Corporation Plant Service & Engineering: Awarded for excellence in social responsibility)
*Please contact at sukyung@postech.ac.kr for more description of the articles in English.
"2012년 3월, 원자력을 어떻게 볼 것인가?"
(How do we view nuclear energy geration in today's generation?)
"지식 경제부, 터키 한국형 원전 도입 전향적 검토"
(Korean Ministry of Knowledge Economy: Korean nuclear energy generation system to be exported to Turkey)
"원전분야 5,036명 신규 채용 예상"
(5,036 new job positions in nuclear energy generation industry)
"원자력 (연), 제 4세대 원자로 시험시설 준공"
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute: recently built 4th generation reactor to be tested)
"한수원, 16개 항목 원전고장 재발방지대책 수립"
(Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Co.: established 16 countermeasures for nuclear power plant breakdown)
"미국, 30년 만에 첫 원전 건설 승인"
(US: first permission to build a nuclear power plant within past 30 years)
"독일, 한파에 전력난 심해지자 원자로 5기 재가동"
(Gemany: reactivated reactor no.5 due to blizzard)
"IAEA, 베트남 등 5개국 2012년 원전 건설 착수"
(IAEA: 5 nations, including Vietnam, launched on nuclear power plant construction)
"일본, 탈원전에서 후퇴하는 일본 민주당"
(Japan: Japanese Democratic Party retreating from opposing against nuclear power generation)
"남아공, 원전 건설 사업비 400억달러"
(Republic of South Africa: 40 billion dollars to invest on nuclear power plant)
"한국원자력연구원, 수출용 신형연구로 협약체결"
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute: Agreement on advanced research reactor for export)
"한국전력공사, 발전사업자 자격인증서 취득"
(Korea Electric Power Corporation: Certification of United Arab Emirates Braka Nuclear Power Plant (BNPP) no.1 and no.2 development)
"동남권워자력의학원, 영화 촬영장소로 각광"
"KEPCO E&C, 신입사원 입사식 및 인재육성 프로그램"
(Korea Electric Power Corporation Engineering & Construction: Program to cultivate talented personnel)
"한국방사성폐기물관리공단, 방폐장 건설공기 연장"
(Korea Radioactive-waste Management Co.: Completion date for radioactive waste disposal facility construction postponed for better security and safety)
"한전 KPS 주식회사, 사회적책임 우수기업 선정"
(Korea Electric Power Corporation Plant Service & Engineering: Awarded for excellence in social responsibility)
*Please contact at sukyung@postech.ac.kr for more description of the articles in English.