

Nation can’t afford to postpone selecting site

페이지 정보

2012.09.12 / 2,182


Nation can’t afford to postpone selecting site

"A government advisory panel has proposed building an intermediate storage facility for spent nuclear fuel by 2024. Upon the request, the government will determine its basic policy on this matter by the end of the year after pooling opinions from various walks of life.

The proposal is a belated but desperately needed one, given that temporary storage units at the nation’s four nuclear power plants will reach saturation point from 2016 through 2021. Currently, about 700 tons of spent nuclear fuel are produced a year in the country’s 22 nuclear reactors."


Korea Times September 4, 2012

20년 끈 중간저장시설 건설… 내년부터 공청회 등 의견수렴

"정부가 20여년을 끌어온 사용후핵연료 중간저장시설 건설이 본격화된다. 작년 11월부터 구성된 사용후핵연료 정책포럼이 "늦어도 2024년 이전에는 중간저장시설을 지어야 한다"는 권고안을 최근 확정했기 때문이다."


조선일보 2012.09.03