


  • Nuclear Safety and Advanced Nulear System for Future Appliacations
  • Plasma and Accelerator Science
  • Nuclear Environment and Material
  • Ai and Robotics Application
  • Convergence of Nuclear Engineering and Humanities and Social Science
Nuclear Environment and Material

The research areas encompass fundamental and applied studies to develop of technologies and strategies for safe, efficient management of radioactive wastes and nuclear fuels and structural materials for the area of nuclear energy technologies, ranging from applications in current light water reactors, advanced reactor designs (e.g., small modular reactor), spent fuel storage and disposals.

● Research Objects
Development of sorbent, geopolymer, glass for radionuclides immobilization. Development of Transport models for radionuclides
Study of chemical decontamination process for CRUD removal and various radioactive wastes generated as a consequence of numerous NPP processes and operations
Testing of solubility, sorption, and diffusion of radionuclides under various disposal environment
Development of advanced metallic canister for transporation, storage, and disposal for spent nuclear fuels for safety, efficiency, and environmental friendly
Development of new materials and manufacturing technologies for reactor components in SMR and Gen-IV reactors
Development of new nuclear fuel designs and accelerated commericialization of accident tolerant fuel (ATF).

  1. Development of sorbent, geopolymer, glass for radionuclides immobilization. Development of Transport models for radionuclides

  2. Study of chemical decontamination process for CRUD removal and various radioactive wastes generated as a consequence of numerous NPP processes and operations

  3. Testing of solubility, sorption, and diffusion of radionuclides under various disposal environment

  4. Development of advanced metallic canister for transporation, storage, and disposal for spent nuclear fuels for safety, efficiency, and environmental friendly