


  • Nuclear Safety and Advanced Nulear System for Future Appliacations
  • Plasma and Accelerator Science
  • Nuclear Environment and Material
  • Ai and Robotics Application
  • Convergence of Nuclear Engineering and Humanities and Social Science
Plasma and Accelerator Science

This group focuses on development of advanced technologies for nuclear reactor physics, plasma science, accelerators and engineering to contribute to the precision design of in-core nuclear fuel, shield, member and moderator of nuclear reactors and to develop new materials as well as to develop the fusion nuclear power and plasma technologies

  1. Analysis of the nuclear data and establishing research for the nuclear data at Pohang

  2. Simulation for the utilizing of radiation technology - Radiation Shielding, Photon Imaging, Nin Destructive Testing

  3. Optimization research for the life time of nuclear fuel in the reactor core

  4. Development of accelerator technologies for many applications - Light(X-ray, Gamma-ray) generation, Medical application, Agricultural application, Industrial application