

DANE’s Regular Seminar

페이지 정보

2022.09.14 / 2,156


 Date: 2022.09.15(THU)

 Time: 4:30 ~ 5:30PM

 Venue :  Online(ZOOM)

     Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2076815786?pwd=UUNMbldJSjBlcXpEVUtHNzJPNmNZdz09


 Speaker: PM. Seunghyo Yang(Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation and Control)

 Title: Export Control of Strategic Technology


Basic principle of foreign trade is freedom, but being at liberty. Most nations globally establish state export control laws/regulations to prevent for the proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction(WMD) related goods & technologies including not only conventional  munitions, but dual-use goods because of their potential usage. Hallmarks of university science are openness, intellectual freedom, and international collaboration. Nonetheless, most nations globally establish state export control laws/regulations to control the technology transfer for preventing  proliferation of WMD/conventional weapons. What about the academic and research freedom? Isn’t it guaranteed in the Constitution? Yes, but, it is not true in fact. The academic freedom can’t ignore restrictions or controls in the export control laws/regulations. Objective of technology transfer controls is to prevent its misuse by the end-user, neither to restrict nor censor the research. Any restriction regarding export control is placed only when occurring conflicts in each legal interests.(academic freedom vs national/international security) Continuous expanding scope & definition of export controlled goods (dual-use export controls) are contributing to ensure a broader range of security beyond the national/international security. Through this presentation, it is expected to improve the understanding of the necessity and purpose of export control of WMD, scope of technology transfer controls, multilateral export control arrangements, and U.S. and Korean export control laws.