DANE’s Regular Seminar
페이지 정보
2021.10.05 / 2,472관련링크
< Information for this week’s seminar >
▶ Date: 2021.10.07(THU)
▶ Time: 16:30 ~ 17:30
▶ Speaker: Dr. Haekwon, Jeong(POSCO Technical Research Laboratories)
▶ Title: An Introduction to Immersed Boundary – Lattice Boltzmann Method for Multi-physical Problems
▶ Abstract: As a part of the development of LBM (Lattice Boltzmann method), in this lecture, IBM (Immersed Boundary method) has been implemented in standard LBM and thermal LBM to simulate multi-physical problems. The purpose of this lecture is four-fold. First, as an extension of the development of IB-LBM, two different forms of IBM is introduced. The second focus is to evaluate the discrete lattice effect by the contribution of the body force into IB-LBM for various forcing methods. The aforementioned IB-LBMs are designed to enhance the capability of LBM for isothermal problems only, whereas many engineering problems exhibit thermal phenomena. Thus the third focus is to provide a basis for developing IB-thermal LBM. The fourth focus of this dissertation is to apply the IB-LBM with DF/FD (Direct Forcing/Fictitious Domain) method to a practical problem related to a moving body. As an example, the motion of a circular cylinder freely falling in a narrow channel was studied numerically.