

학사 | 수강포기 기간/Course Withdrawal Period

페이지 정보

2017.03.30 / 2,704


2017-1학기 수강포기 기간을 아래와 같이 안내드립니다.

가. 수강포기(Withdrawal): 3. 13(월)~ 4. 21(금)까지 (개강 후 4주째부터 9주까지)

나. 방법: 수강포기 신청 후 출력

POVIS → Academic Affairs → 수업/성적 → 수강포기신청

다. 제출처: 학과 사무실




A. Course Withdrawal Period: Mon. March 13 – Fri., April 21

B. How to withdraw course

- Choose the course you want to drop or withdraw on POVIS and print out the form of course withdrawal.

- Submit it to DANE office including course instructor, advisor and department head's signature.


 ※Academic records about course withdrawal

- A course dropped between the 4th week and 9th week of classes

: presented in official transcript with "W(Withdrawal)"